Sunday, June 1, 2014

FBI Initiative Focuses on Child Sex Tourism

The FBI web site offers a piece on child sex tourism.

Last month, the FBI asked the public's help in a case involving a suspected serial child predator who for years taught in private international schools overseas. The suspect committed suicide after his employer saw pornographic images on his thumb drive, but as part of our subsequent investigation—when we began the process of identifying and notifying the victims shown in these images—we also asked that possible victims and others who may have information come forward, not only to aid investigators but to potentially access our victim's assistance services.

Child sex tourism—people traveling to another country specifically to engage in illegal sexual conduct with children—is a very real issue that causes devastating and long-lasting psychological and physical consequences for victims. And the problem is growing, thanks to the relative ease of international travel coupled with the popularity of the Internet in helping individuals exchange information about how and where to find child victims in foreign locations.

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link: 

You can also read an earlier post on the FBI and the suspected child predator noted above via the below link: 

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