Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Double Cross: The True Story Of The D-Day Spies

Joseph C. Goulden, the noted journalist, author and authority on intelligence and espionage, reviewed Ben Macintyre's Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies for the Washington Times.  

Let me commence with a confession. When I picked up Ben Macintyre’s book, I was dubious. Given all that has been written about British deception operations during World War II, including memoirs by many of the spies themselves, what possible new material could he offer?

The answer, I discovered within a very few pages, was one heckuva a lot. He draws upon previously untouched documents from the intensely secret Twenty Committee, which oversaw deception for the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, or MI6). The committee was so named because the number 20 in Roman numerals, XX, forms a double cross. As has been well told by other historians, captured spies were offered an option: Either work for SIS and feed false information back to Germany, or mount the gallows in the Tower of London. Mr. Macintyre goes a significant step further in giving us an inside look at the highly technical workings of Double Cross.

You can read the rest of the review via the below link:

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