Saturday, May 14, 2011

An Interview with A Former SEAL Team Six Sniper interviewed Howard Wasdin, a former U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six member and the author of SEAL Team Six: Memoirs Of An Elite Navy SEAL Sniper.

I'm currently reading the interesting memoir and I plan to interview Wasdin for Counterterrorism magazine in the near future.

You can read the interview via the below link:

1 comment:

  1. They are the most motivated, highly trained, cream of the cream. It makes me feel safer just knowing that we, as Americans, can depend on these guys to protect us (in addition to our other troops). But when the chips are down - they're your guys! I am not much of a military book reader, but this book was fabulous! The human interest side is amazing. The blocks that were placed in front of this person and the way he used them to advance in his life, it is a true inspiration. Makes me realize - I have nothing to complain about and everything to be grateful for! Enjoy!!!
