Monday, April 28, 2014

Condemned Spy Mata Hari Glib During Final Interrogation, According To Released MI5 Files

Peter Edwards at the Toronto Star offers a piece on famed female spy Mata Hari.

The spy known as “Mata Hari” was glib in her final prison interrogation before her life ended in front of a French firing squad in the First World War, according to formerly top secret files from the British intelligence agency MI5.
Mata Hari, once a wildly popular Dutch exotic dancer, didn’t appear fazed when an interrogator confronted her with a long list of her lovers, an MI5 report released earlier this month states.
“When faced with her acquaintances with officers of all ranks and all nations, she replied that she loved all officers, and would rather have as her lover a poor officer than a rich banker,” the MI5 files note.  

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:

1 comment:

  1. Did you mean "famed" or "framed" female spy? Well? After all, isn't spying as a crime a bit of moral relativism?
