Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fort Hood Shooter Suffered From "Mental Health Issues," Says General reports on the tragic shooting at Fort Hood.

A soldier suffering from "mental health issues" opened fire at Fort Hood Wednesday, killing three soldiers and injuring 16 before killing himself, a post Army general said.

Army Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, the senior officer at the facility, also said at an evening news conference that there was no indication of terrorism, but added "we're not ruling anything out."

He said the shooter, identified earlier as Spc. Ivan Lopez, was armed with a .45 caliber Smith & Wesson and killed himself when confronted by military police in a parking lot.
Milley said he did not know any motive for the incident, but the shooter, who had served four months in combat in Iraq in 2011, had "behavioral and mental health issues" and was being treated for those.

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:

And you can read an earlier post on the previous shooting incident in 2009 via the below link:

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