Friday, January 21, 2011

Guess Hu's Coming To Dinner? Jay Leno On Obama's State Dinner for Chinese President

Jay Leno told some funny jokes about Obama's state dinner for the Chinese president on The Tonight Show.

You can read the jokes below:

The White House held a state dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao. President Obama wore a traditional Chinese-made garment: a pair of Nikes.

Obama and Hu had a private dinner the night before. When Obama tried to pick up the check, Hu said, “Your money is no good here.” Obama laughed, and Hu said, “No, really, your money is no good.”

President Hu’s advance team came a week earlier to make sure that wherever he’s staying has no Chinese drywall.

The state dinner went really well, until the after-dinner speeches were hosted by Ricky Gervais.

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