Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Former CIA Spy: Obama Doing ‘Lousy Job’ In Fight Against ISIS

Kristina Wong at offers an interview with former CIA offical Henry Crumpton.

Henry “Hank” Crumpton, the former CIA official who led a covert team of operators in Afghanistan after 9/11, believes the Obama administration is doing a “lousy job” in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). 

“I don’t think they understand the kind of war they need to fight,” Crumpton told The Hill in a recent interview.

“They’re waging the war they want to fight but not the one that will lead to success.” 

“It’s very safe politically; they want to control everything in Washington,” said the 58-year-old former spy who is legendary for masterminding the overthrow of the Taliban in 90 days after 9/11.
Crumpton, who joined the CIA in 1981 and spent nearly a quarter century fighting terrorism, advocates a field-based approach to fighting terrorists, rather than the risk-averse, Washington-centric approach pursued today.

He believes that getting more intelligence agents out in the field and empowering local Iraqi communities is crucial to defeating ISIS.

You can read the rest of the piece:

You can also read my Counterterrorism magazine interview with Henry Crumpton via the below link:

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