Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Defense Secretary 'Mad Dog' Mattis To Sailors: ‘You're Not some Pu--y Sitting On The Sidelines’

Geoff Ziezulewicz at the Navy Times reports on Defense Secretary Jim Mattis using blunt (and no doubt popular) language while addressing U.S. Navy sailors.

Visiting with sailors at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor in Washington state, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis didn’t mince words when discussing the differences between serving in the military and the civilian population.

Mattis told sailors they would experience the best and worst life has to offer while in the Navy, a sign they are living life to the fullest.

“That means you’re not some p---y sitting on the sidelines”...

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:


  1. Yikes! The PC police will be fuming. Thanks, Paul, for the link. News networks might have a fit over Mattis on this one.

  2. RT,

    I love it, and I'm sure those sailors did as well...

