Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Philly Rouge Cops Case: Dirty Cop Fingers Brothers In Blue

Veteran crime reporter and author George Anastasia (seen in the above photo) is covering the federal trial of Philadelphia narcotics officers for

They broke all the rules, Jeffrey Walker told a federal jury, but they made big arrests, so their supervisors looked the other way.

"It was nothing but a dog and pony show, that's all that it was," Walker said of the headline grabbing arrests and the enhanced status his unit had within the Philadelphia Police Department. All the while, he said he and other members of the Narcotics Field Unit were routinely stealing cash and narcotics from drug dealers and falsifying police reports to cover their tracks.

Asked how many times during his 10 plus years in the unit that he had robbed drug dealers and submitted false reports, Walker calmly replied, "Can't count them there were so many times."

Testifying today in the ongoing corruption trial of six other members of that narcotics squad, Walker, 46, said lying and stealing were a routine part of the job in the squad run by Thomas Liciardello, who has emerged as the lead defendant in the corruption case.

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:

You can also read my Philadelphia Inquirer review of George Anastasia's Gotti's Rules via the below link:

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